Sunday, September 29, 2013

Picture 269

Friday, September 27th, 2013


A ferry boat ride away from downtown Boston lies the Boston Harbor Islands. We went with Ruth’s parents to visit two of the islands. The boat ride was a lot of fun as you watch downtown get smaller and smaller. Georges Island is the home of Fort Warren, built just before the Civil War and used through WWII. Spectacle Island is a revitalized nature area (it used to be a garbage dump and a horse recycling center). It had lots of pretty trails and a great view of Boston. A stop at Mike’s Pastries ended the day with some yummy cannoli.


  1. I'm kind of afraid to ask what a "Horse Recycling Center" is....

  2. Its a factory where the "retired" horses of Boston would go to become leather, fertilizer, and glue. So, yes, it was a glue factory.
